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By Fields Commissioner, 03/01/23, 11:00AM CST


Make note of forfeit deadlines

Beginning with the Fall 2022 season, teams must give more than 24 hours notice of a forfeit to be considered ON TIME. Please notify the Office during regular business hours (10a-3p M-F) or your League Commissioner of any forfeits. You should also send the notification by email to

The cost for the first late forfeit is $160 (both team's ref fees). For the second late forfeit, and each additional late forfeit, the cost is $160 (ref fees) PLUS $40 fine, for a total of $200. See below for your league's forfeit cut-offs.


For more information regarding forfeits, please refer to FWASA's Rules & Regulations (see Downloads page).




VI. Conduct of the Game.


I. Forfeiture of a Game.

1. Advance Notice Required: Referee & Linesmen Fees. If a team forfeits a scheduled game without giving advance notice, that team will pay the referee and linesman fees for both teams as follows: center referee $80, and each linesman $40, for a total of $160. In order to avoid paying these fees, the manager must give advance notice of the intent to forfeit the game according to the following deadlines:

a. For games with a scheduled start time of 4:59pm or earlier, notice must be given no later than 10:30am on the day before the scheduled game.
b. For games with a scheduled start time of 5:00pm or later, notice must be given no later than 3:00pm on the day before the scheduled game.

2. Forfeit Fine. Failure to give advance notice may result in an additional forfeiture fine. There is no fine for the first forfeiture without advance notice; however, all subsequent forfeitures during a single season without advance notice will result in a $40 fine.

3. Payment of Forfeit Fine. Any and all fines and fees assessed above must be paid 1 business day before the next scheduled game. Failure to pay the above fines and fees will result in the team being declared “Not in Good Standing,” forcing the team to forfeit all games until the fines and fees have been paid. All fines and fees assessed above may be appealed to the A&D Committee as set forth in the By-Laws.

4. Notice of Intent to Forfeit. A team manager may give notice of the intent to forfeit the game to the FWASA Office during the regular office hours (listed in Section I.C.) via an answered phone call with the office manager or by leaving a voice message if the call is not answered. Alternatively, a team manager can send an email to with the information regarding the intent to forfeit, as this will notify the office manager and board members. Otherwise, the team manager must give notice of the intent to forfeit the game within the applicable deadline to all of the following parties: (1) the league commissioner, (2) the FWASA office manager, and (3) the manager of the other team they are scheduled to play. The preferred contact method for this notification is via email. Other time-stamped methods
of communication are acceptable if confirmation is received from the recipient. The notice is not effective until the notifying manager has received confirmation from the FWASA Office or applicable League Commissioner that the notice has been received.